Testbank for Business Driven Information Systems 4e Baltzan

Testbank for Business Driven Information Systems 4e Baltzan

  • ISBN-13: 978-1259111082
  • ISBN-10: 0073376892

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Business Driven Information Systems, 4e discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Every discussion first addresses the business needs and then addresses the technology that supports those needs. This updated edition provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business through its updated case studies, closing cases, technology plug-ins, expanded IT topics, and new project management content.

Business Driven Information Systems is designed to give students the ability to understand how information technology can be a point of strength for an organization, and McGraw-Hill’s online learning and assessment solution, Connect MIS, helps students apply this knowledge.

For more information on Baltzan, Business Driven Information Systems, 4e, please visit: www.mhhe.com/baltzan4e

For more information on Connect, please visit: connect.mcgraw-hill.com

For more information on SIMnet for Office 2013, please visit www.simnetkeepitsimple.com


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