Testbank for Patient Care in Radiography: With an Introduction to Medical Imaging, 7e Ehrlich

Testbank for Patient Care in Radiography: With an Introduction to Medical Imaging, 7e Ehrlich

  • ISBN-13: 978-0323051781
  • ISBN-10: 0323051782

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Confidently master vital skills that will help you provide high-quality care to your radiography patients, including safety, transfer, positioning, infection control, and assessment procedures. Comprehensive and in-depth information closely follows ASRT curriculum guidelines to guide you through key elements of patient care, as well as topics related to microbiology, emerging diseases, transcultural communication, administering medications, and bedside radiography. In addition, almost 500 illustrations and photographs visually demonstrate important procedures and assist you in acquiring both the technical and the interpersonal skills needed in the clinical environment.

  • Information from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists includes the organizational structure of ASRT and the scope of practice standards relevant to the radiographer.
  • Comprehensive overviews of department organization, job opportunities, radiation protection, clinical environment, and ethics provide a solid foundation for both students and professionals.
  • Patient care tips alongside descriptions of procedures encourage high-quality patient care in addition to technical proficiency.
  • Consistent, straightforward, engaging writing style explains and breaks down complex concepts for easier understanding.
  • Infection control content covers infectious diseases, guidelines for hand hygiene, and use of needleless devices, providing necessary information to help prevent the spread of infection.
  • Chapter on special imaging techniques and modalities discusses CT angiography, MRI, mammography, and PET imaging, keeping you up to date with a wide range of imaging modalities.
  • Procedures are described step by step, with pictures showing each step.
  • Case Studies focus on medicolegal terms, standards, and applications, preparing you to problem-solve in real life clinical situations.
  • Expanded coverage of HIPAA regulations includes relevant examples of compliance in today’s imaging departments.
  • Cultural diversity is explored in greater depth in the Communications chapter, designed to facilitate effective communication among culturally diverse healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Chapter outlines, vocabulary lists, and learning objectives help you make the most of your study and review time.
  • Check-off forms for documenting clinical objectives related to patient care are provided in an appendix.
  • More review questions are provided at the end of each chapter, and some chapters include additional critical thinking questions.
  • More Spanish phrases are included in an appendix, helping you better communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in the clinical setting.


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  • Files ending with the extension (.pdf) can be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader
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Price: $100.00$69.00
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