Testbank for Patient Care in Radiography: With an Introduction to Medical Imaging, 9e Ehrlich

Testbank for Patient Care in Radiography: With an Introduction to Medical Imaging, 9e Ehrlich

  • ISBN-13: 978-0323353762
  • ISBN-10: 0323353762

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Learn the technical and interpersonal skills you need to care for radiography patients! Patient Care in Radiography with an Introduction to Medical Imaging, 9th Edition provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions for a wide range of patient procedures and imaging modalities. To ensure safe and effective patient care, key concepts are demonstrated visually and always applied to clinical practice. New to this edition is coverage of the latest post-image manipulation techniques and ASRT Practice Standards. Written by noted radiology educators Ruth Ann Ehrlich and Dawn Coakes, this text emphasizes important skills such as patient assessment, infection control, patient transfer, and bedside radiography.


  • Coverage of patient care and procedural skills help you provide safe, high-quality patient care along with technical proficiency.
  • Step-by-step procedures are shown in photo essays, and are demonstrated with more than 400 full-color illustrations.
  • Information from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists familiarizes you with the organization that guides your profession.
  • Case studies focus on medicolegal terms, standards, and applications, helping you build the problem-solving skills needed to deal with situations you will encounter in the clinical setting
  • Chapter outlines, objectives, key terms, summaries, review questions, and critical thinking exercises focus on the key information in each chapter and help you assess your grasp of the material.
  • Coverage of infection control helps you prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Special Imaging Modalities chapter provides an overview of patient care for a wide range of imaging methods.
  • Answers to the review questions make it easy to check your knowledge.


  • UPDATED practice requirements include ASRT Practice Standards and AHA Patient Care Partnership Standards.
  • NEW contrast products and post-image manipulation techniques include the newest material on Cone beam utilization, MR imaging, image-guided therapy, and kV imaging.
  • NEW images highlight many patient procedures, showing exactly how to care for patients.
  • The Test Bank files are compressed as a Zip file so PLEASE MAKE SURE you know how to open a zipped file. We suggest the free programs IZARC or 7zip for unzipping the file if you do not already have a zip utility such as Winzip.
  • Files ending with the extension (.pdf) can be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader
  • Files ending with the extension (.doc) , (.docx) or (.rtf) can be opened using Microsoft Word or the free program Open Office

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Price: $100.00$69.00
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